Here are picture's of the 2 pieces that I did. They aren't prim and they were kits that I bought at Hobby Lobby. Not sure what to do with them at this!

I'm working on a more primitive one now.
Here is a couple of pictures of a few of my flowers before we went into a drought.

These hibiscus got so big this year!!

Got a picture of Spaz after I put down some catnip on her! She just goes crazy!!

Nothing else has been happening around here. We need rain as I'm sure plenty of you also need it too! My mom's boyfriend lost all his corn that he planted, he has no irrigation. Sad!!
Ok, I have another magazine to give away. This is the 2nd issue of this magazine. If you have won before, you can't win again. First post on my actual blog wins!!

Have a great week everyone!!