I have pictures of my kitchen for you. It's not completely done yet but I have made some progress. Things on the wall....I'm horrible at placing things, I'm not real happy with the way things look. I just don't have much wall space at all. The color of the walls is now a very pale mustard looking color. Depending on whether the light is on, the color changes...lol. I can't even find the name of the color anymore, it's been that long since I have had this paint...ha!!

The border

These are the curtains even though you can barely see them. I got them at Wal-Mart and they are from the Better Homes and Garden collection. They were originally more of a gold, the valance was gold and white checked. I coffee stained them and I think they look much better. The sun was so bright I couldn't get a better picture.

My sister from Alabama was here for about 4 days last week. We had a good time. She is the only sister out of 3 that I can really get along with! Here is a picture of her.

We also had a wedding a couple of weekends ago. My hubby's son got married in a really cool park in Omaha. Here is the wedding party.

Here is some really awesome news!! I found a new flea market here in town and never knew it was there! It has been there for quite a few years....this town isn't that big, I don't know how I missed it. Anyway....a great store. I am seriously thinking of renting a booth there but I really need to get my stock up first. They only charge 10% commission with the booth fee being $25.00 and up depending on size. I thought I could start out with a small one at first. Is that a good price? I'm not very familiar with charges for those type of places. Anyway, here are my goodies that I found.
I may redo this, not sure yet.

Some little quilt kits that will most likely not get done for quite sometime...ha!

I love this!

Also loving this big old flour sifter!

Hubby and I are leaving Thursday nite for a little mini vacation to South Dakota to the Black Hills and most likely Deadwood. Will be back Monday sometime. Looking forward to some time away!! And then the following weekend is my garage sale. I can't believe how much stuff I have...lol!!
Well I believe that is all for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful and SAFE July 4th weekend!!