Gosh, I just can't keep caught up with this blogging!! But yet I don't know what I do with my time....ha!!
I do have some pictures of our trip that we made to South Dakota over the 4th. We visited a lot of casino's but didn't have any luck. I love how there are slot machines right in the hotel...lol! On the 4th we went up to Mt. Rushmore but as with our luck, it was raining so all the activities that were planned for there were cancelled. So from there we went back to Deadwood. Nice town but no way could I live there....WAY to many people!! I really didn't even get very many pictures.
I love the mountains...so peaceful looking. Love how the clouds look so low!

Part of one of the hotels that we stayed at.

So we got back on Monday from our trip and then had to get ready for the garage sale. Did ok on that...not terrific but ok. Made 250.00 so it was pretty good. And then this past weekend I had my grandson Landon here, Friday through today. That child just doesn't sit still!! He is always bouncing, either with a ball or without...lol! But I still love him!! So anyway, while he was here, my youngest son and his girlfriend decided to come up and visit on Saturday and my oldest son and his wife also came by. We all went out for lunch and took some pictures.

Managed to get a picture of hubby...lol. He wasn't happy!!

I also got a new do in between all these past weekends. Hubby says it just keeps getting shorter...lol. It does!! My glasses are always crooked...lol!!

In other news, I also decided to go ahead with a booth in that store. So I go downtown to the store and she doesn't have any booths available!! My luck...I tell ya!! She might have something come available around September. Should give me time to get some more things done. I have been doing a lot of cross-stitching. Got 5 of them almost done, just have to make pinkeeps out of them or frame a couple of them. Haven't been doing any shopping so nothing to show you there. No re-do's done either. Oh, and by the way....my kitchen is still NOT done!! The guy that was going to do the backsplash is moving so I don't know what will happen now. I'm thinking that is about all the news that I have....see, ya'll didn't miss much these past 3 weeks with me...lol!!
Hope everyone is keeping cool (I love the heat) and hope you all have a great week!!