I got these cute little prim kittie's made up last week. Forgot to mention that this design is by Sassafras Hill Primitives. These guys (or gals) are up for sale.

There was an auction last week that I wanted to go to but couldn't. It was in the town that my mom lives in. Well she had planned on going anyway. So anyway, there was a butter churn there that I wanted and also a bunch of cross stitch stuff. I told her not to go very high. Well she got a huge box of cross stitch fabric, thread and other stuff for 4.00. And she did get the butter churn but she told me that would be my Christmas present, my birthday present, another Christmas present and another birthday present...lol!! She finally told me what she paid and it was 90.00. I love my mommy!!! She had to go in and get a heart cath done yesterday and it was all good. Didn't need any stents put in!! Oh, I forgot the pics of the butter churn...lol.

I was at Goodwill a couple of days ago...saw this cabinet out the corner of my eye...someone else was looking at it. Well, they walked away and left the cabinet so I hurried over there and threw it in my cart...lol. Well not really throw cuz it's big and heavy but I placed it in my cart...ha!! Only 14.99!! It's bare wood so all I gotta do is paint and distress. Phew...no sanding until the final paint is on. Not sure what color though. But I really like it!!

An ex-neighbor of mine graduated from college a couple of weeks ago she had a party last weekend. It was a good time. This is a picture of her and then the other picture is of her hubby and their son...he is so cute!

Thats all my news. Starting on some more cross stitch pinkeeps. Have a great rest of the week everyone and a better weekend, hopefully with some cooler air!!