I wanted to show you these pinkeeps and pillow that I got done today. Listed not too long ago this evening and 1 has already sold along with an older one that I have had listed! YAY!! I had an excellent ebay selling day this past Saturday..6 sales!! All cross-stitched stuff.
The first 3 pictures are designs by Pineberry Lane.

This one sold already.

These other 3 are designs by Jenny Hoffman of Country Rustic Primitives.

I also forgot to mention in my last 2 posts that I have received the "Versatile Blogger" award from a couple of blogging friends. I don't feel feel like I can pass this on to other bloggers as I love everyone's blogs and it would just be to hard for me to pick certain ones. So thank you to those that have sent this to me. I will post some things that I don't think you know about me.
1. I have 3 older sisters. No boys in our family!
2. I do not work outside of the home.
3. I absolutely hate to cook!
4. I drive a mustang
5. I have Atrial Fibulation (heart goes out of rhythm)
6. I spend too much money...ha! You probably all knew that!
7. My dad died suddenly in 1997, the same day that Princess Diana died.
8. My grandson's birthday is the same day as my mom and 2 of my cousins.
I know there is lots more but this is harder than I thought it would be...lol!
Getting close to bedtime and I haven't even checked Facebook yet!! Oh my!! Goodnight all!!