Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well this Saturday evening. It's cold and snowy here in Nebraska.
Before I get to my week, I first need to show you my stocking that I won from Tammy over at her
blog. She says it's backwards but I'm loving it either way! She also included that sweet little stocking. Thanks so much Tammy. And a thanks to Angie for the lovely card! No picture of it though, fogot!
I did get some more pinkeeps done and listed on ebay.
Now about the week that I had. Started at 7 am last Friday morning, never good to get a phone call that early in my house. It was my mom's boyfriend telling me that he thinks my mom had a stroke and that they were calling the ambulance. I'm going crazy at this time. Have to wait a bit before going to the hospital as they live about 20 miles away. Anyway, for long story short, the doctor's say that she had a TIA (mini-stoke). She is on Coumadin and her blood numbers weren't right along with the A-Fib that she has was probably most likely the cause of it they said. She has no debilitating effects, thank GOD! She was in the hospital until Monday, they let her out. She had scans done and never did find anything or where she might have been hemmoraging if she did have a clot. So anyway, she is doing really well now and has been out and about. We have been telling her that it's too soon but she won't listen. She said she is going back to work this Monday but she has another thing coming if she thinks she is...lol. So thank you all that said prayers for her when I had originally posted on facebook and you saw it there.
Well that is about it for here. Just not much going on at all. I have done some decorating but nothing like I did last year. I don't even have my tree up yet and still debating on doing that.
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!