Not much going on around here. I did make a visit to the Estate Store a couple of weekends ago and found just a few things. I am finally learning to control my spending at these places, along with getting rid of a lot of stuff here in my house. I just have too much! This is what I got at the Estate Store:

See, not much at!!
News with me? Well I had a bone scan done today, no results yet, hopefully tomorrow. For about the past 6 months I have had pain in my upper back on the side, about the area where your bra stap is. It won't go away! Some days are worse than others. I went to the doctor about 2 months ago and he was thinking that maybe it had something to do with my lungs, as it also hurts when I take a deep breath or cough. So he did a scan and nothing but the spot on my lung that I have had for the past 7 years shows up. I have a scan at least every year to check to make sure that the spot is growing and so far, it has stayed the same size. I had pnuemonia about 10 years ago and they say that this spot is from that. Let's hope so! So anyway, I got busy and never went back to the doctor so I went yesterday and he ordered this bone scan just to rule out any spurs or whatever. If that comes out ok, then I go to the back doctor. I'm just tired of being in pain, I'm very good at hiding it from other's and hubby, I just don't want to be a whiney baby. But I need to get something done soon!
I haven't been stitching much...well yes I have been. I was asked to make something for a benefit for a child that has cancer and they were having a silent auction so I agreed to do something. Don't know if you remember, but way back, I had mentioned that I was stitching on a really really big piece, well that went to the back burner and I figured that that was a project that I could donate so I started stitching and stitching. Well time was running out and I wasn't even close to being done, once again, so I made a necklace. I'm just kind of playing around in making jewelry, so this is the one that I donated and the other 2 are ones that I made just the other day.

Remember, I'm just dabbling in!!
So anyway, that is it with me! Hope you all have been having a great week so far and continue to the weekend. With that I will leave you with another giveaway of a new magazine that came out a couple of weeks ago! I love my job and being able to put all these new magazines on the shelves. First comment on the blog wins it!!

Thanks all and have a goodnight!!

Hi Brenda, Hope the doctor can help with the pain. I have a pinched nerve in my neck and when that acts up I feel like I have a knife in my shoulder. It's hard to keep going when you have a lot of pain.
DANG! I thought I was going to be the first comment as it showed "0" as I was reading..........guess I'm a slow reader!!!!!!
Sure hope the doctor can help you Brenda. Will keep you in my prayers.
The necklaces are cooool!
I hope the Dr. finds out what's causing your pain. I Love the necklaces that you made. Take Care!
Hope the doctors can find the problem. Will put you in my prayers.
Love the necklaces!!!
Hi Brenda, I hope they can figure out what is up with the back pain. It's never fun to hurt.
Love the things you picked up at the estate sale!
Have a great day!
Carmen and the Primcats
Hope your dr can give you some relief.I'm trying to keep less for myself but hard sometimes.I always wanted a job as a magazine stocker used to love being in book sales so I could get cookbooks and decorating books but got downsized out.Hugs!~Amy
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