Hi everyone! So sorry it has been so long. I have no excuses for not posting in August but as some of you know if you follow me on facebook, I lost my mother on the 9th of September. It's been a very difficult time for me and I am just having so many up and down days. We started cleaning out her things from her boyfriend's house yesterday, so it's really been hard having to go into the house and still be able to smell her scent on so many of her items. So anyway, I and my sister's have been dealing with all this for the last 3 weeks. Thank you to my facebooks friends that have left their thoughts and prayer's to myself and my family.
...And so, this is a picture that I have been meaning to post for quite some time. Carol and Tim made this pewter plate rack for me quite sometime ago, and I have finally just recently got it on the wall. I'm loving it!! Thank you Carol and Tim!!

I also have lots of pinkeeps finally done and I'll be listing these on ebay hopefully later tonight.
These are designed by Jenny Hoffman of Country Rustic Primitives!

This grouping are designs by Shelly Auen of Primnitive Stitchin! (She needs to start designing again!!)

This one is designed by With Thy Needle and Thread!

This one is a design by Nancy Turner of The Victorian Motto Smapler Shoppe!

And these last 2 are designs by Pineberry Lane!

I have also finished a primitive needle punch design that I think I am going to sell also. It is designed by The Old Tattered Flag.

Ok, well that is it for me, need to get back to writing thank-you notes. Hope you all have a great week!!