Hello Friends!
First off I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all for your sweet comments on my hair! It all meant a LOT to me!!
Went to GW this week, not really much again but I was satisfied with what I did get!
This child's pewter mug...it's cute!

This pewter plate

These pewter goblets. They have an initial on them..."D", which is fine, my hubby's first name starts with a D...lol!

These are heavy...double star hooks

Now this next item I thought was interesting but have no idea what it is or what is (was) used for. I was thinking some kind of a scoop??

So that is it for the GW this week...BUT.....the Estate Dispersal Store is open this weekend beginning Friday so take a guess of where I will be....lol!!! AND there is also the HUGE Craft Show happening in Iowa so I will be there on Sunday!!
I also want to mention that I listed a whole bunch of magazines on eBay today. Country Living, Country Home, 100 Decorating Ideas and lots more. Take a look if you want...just click on my ebay button on the right side of the blog.
Nothing else happening around here. It's been so cold here. I so hated to turn the furnace on last week but just had to do it!! Electric blanket has been on also...lol! This weekend they are calling for highs only in the 30's with snow! This is just way too early for that stuff!! I have been doing some cross-stitching. I used to do it years and years ago. But I'm liking it again and have 3 little pin-keeps almost done. I'll post pics of those when finished. I am also still slowly working on some re-dos. I think I said about 2 months ago I was working on some....well.........I still am....ha!!
Ok, that's it for tonight! Have a goodnight everyone!!