Made my monthly trip to the Estate Store and this is what I got! That Wingback chair was only $30.00! The chippy Washstand was $45.00. I'm loving that old Sampler, that was $16.00. I should do some research on that name. Yeah, some! Also a big old bag of buttons and a bag of all kinds of colors of fabric napkins. I'll coffee stain those....yeah, some! Edited to add that the picture of the chair really turned out horrible. The chair is not that dirty looking and there are no rips or tears on it!

Have any of you been to Gordman's lately?? (Angie, that's for Yes, I know, made in China or somewhere over there but still prim looking stuff. This is what I came home with.

And then a trip was also made to my new fav little prim store, The Whistle Stop. Didn't get much this time though...yeah, some!

The following pictures of what I have created lately. The cross stitch designs are Jenny Hoffman's of Country Rustic Primitives design and the candlemat is a design by Chestnut Junction.

Ok, that's it for pictures. Other things that have been going on is that I was sick for almost a week! I was down for the count. Not good at all!! The other is that my Uncle passed away. Sad time. I loved him so! But he is with his wife, son, and his siblings (my dad) now. I so love his kids also, we get along very well. Another sad thing about his death is that the family name (Goldberg) is now done. My Uncle had a son that was killed in '77 in an auto accident and my dad (now passed 13 yrs ago yesterday) had all daughter's.
Oh, and some good news bestest bought a house, all on her own. I'm so proud of her. Hopefully her closing date will be by the end of the month. Wow, it is September isn't it? It's chilly here today, by my standards anyway. AND I have also painted my bedroom!! Shocker I know! Not totally done though. I have to redo the trim because the paint that I got, is almost the same color as the walls! Not what I wanted. I also need to get the windows done too...yeah, some!
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe Labor Day Weekend!!

Sorry to hear you were so sick. Hopefully that bug is gone for good!
Great deals--I especially love the wash stand! It is perfect!
Have a great holiday weekend!
You always find the greatest things when you go junkin'. I love the wash stand. I'm always afraid to bring home upholstered furniture, especially now with the bed bug epidemic.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Great buy on the washstand! I love your stitcheries too! You didn't seem like you felt that good when you were in the "SToP". I hope you are feeling better! I have ended up with an abscessed tooth... one that had already had a root canal. I have been off 4 days of the "day" job and falling way behind for the open house coming up next week. Oh, well have to deal with what life dishes out. Thanks for coming by... let's hope we both stay well... 'tis the craftin' season coming soon!
Love all your great finds gal! Do you think that washstand would fit in a box...:) So very sorry to hear of the passing of your uncle..big hugs to ya hon!!
Your stiticheries are wonderful, and am anxious to see the new bedroom reveal!
Great finds sorry to hear about your Uncle. Is the candle mat easy to stitch? I don't really prefer to stitch but love the punkin design...If you want me to send you some sweet annie seeds just email your addy and I'll get them out to ya! Blessings, patti
You have some great finds here. We should go shopping! LOL! I wish you the best.
So you do exist! LOL! Love the washstand. Sorry to hear about your uncles passing. Being sick isn't any fun...I know you were missing me, that's why you were sick, huh? LOL! No really, hope it wasn't anything too serious. Post pictures of the bedroom...I'd love to see the color...I know how decisive you are when choosing colors....I like this mustard color, but not so mustardery, etc. LOL! Love ya!
Hi Brenda, So sorry to hear your Uncle passed.
You sure came home with a haul. That's a nice looking chair and table. Enough to keep you busy for a long while? Hugs~Carol
Hi Brenda, sorry to hear about your uncle and I hope you are feeling better. I love the washstand, one of the comments asked if it fits in a box; well does it?? lol.
Hi Brenda, sounds like you've been busy. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle and sure hope you are feeling much better. You sure found some great goodies - love the washstand. I hope you have a great weekend.
Blessings, Sue
Brenda, Love the washstand and what a buy on the chair also! Sorry to hear about your uncle and that you have been sick bless your heart... Hope you have a nice weekend....
Love that washstand and chair...what great finds!
So sorry about your loss....
its called Venice antiques... out in waterloo Ne...very easy to get to...its alot of fun and great deals inside of the antique is really big and worth the trip!!!
Brenda! Hi! Love that washstand! It' pretty cool the way it is, are you going to redo it? Love the stitcheries, their beautiful! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment! Many blessings,Jody
Hi, you are the winner of our 2nd give-away. Please email me your address and I'll get your pennyrug and other stuff out to you. Thank you for joining.
Sorry to hear about your sickness and your uncle passing away. That's a lot to bear. Hope you are doing better by now!
I saw where Gordman's had 50% off their clearance recently! I had no money and no time so I didn't make it over there but I was thinking about you! =] Girl, that's the closest thing we have to a prim shop here in Oklahoma. Prim is not popular and no prim shops at all! Love what you got from there!
All those fabric napkins definitely need to be dipped. Haha! There are lots of things you could do with those, how nice. Love the chair and nightstand also.
I adore Jenny's designs! That are wonderfully prim! You did a great job on your stitcheries. Painted your bedroom too?! Girl, I'm jealous of your time! I wish I had 1/10th of your time and energy so I could accomplish something around here. Haha!
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