Hello all....I again want to say thank you to all my new followers....I appreciate you being here!!
I did manage to find some things at the GW last week but not much!

I was able to get this prim witch done for our OFG Fall/Halloween Celebration now on Etsy. Just type in OFGF in the search button on Etsy and see all the wonderful handmade items that this group has made up for this celebration.
Before I forget, this is a design by Susan Dean of Threadbare Primitives.

When it comes to decorating, I just have no taste!

Well it was really depressing watching the football game between the Nebraska CornHuskers and Virginia Tech. We were ahead the whole game until the last minute when VT got a touchdown. The score was 15 to 16. One point!!! We made a mistake and lost the game. Although, I am going to add that the ref's did a horrible job throughout the game, especially when we should have gotten that touchdown...3 penalties...one right after the other. But in mind and many other Nebraskan's, we did win that game!
Oh, and before I forget, the consensus on the door is to paint it red. My landlord knocked that idea out the door...lol! Not even a dark red. But I can paint it the same brown (or close to it) as the shutters are. So that's probably what I will do. Probably won't get done until next year though. Too many things in the fire right now.
My grandson's birthday is this coming Sunday. It is also my mother's birthday and my twin aunt's!! All on the same day!! Anyway, we will be going to where he lives for a bowling party! Should be fun. He is turning 6. My mom is going to go ahead and go also. I told her she didn't have to go that I'm sure she would like to be doing something else for her own birthday, but she said that was alright.
Ok, I made this post longer than what I planned on with some additional things not mentioned in my title...lol! Everyone have a great night and a super week!!