Thursday, June 18, 2009


I gotta apologize. I haven't gotten any of my wood cuts listed onto my ebay like I thought I would get done by now. May do some tonight. I was at the hospital with my mom all morning, they were going to shock her heart to get it back in rythym, but her blood test for the Coumadin wasn't right so they canceled the procedure. This was after she was already in a gown and the anethesioligist had already talked to her and everything. So now she has to up her Coumadin and be tested weekly until they get 3 regular tests of the right numbers. So then I went to Goodwill, that was a major Got lots to show but haven't even taken pictures yet and then I came home and did yardwork. And now it's almost suppertime.


dee begg said...


Sorry to hear that your mom procedure was delayed...but it's best to make sure they have it right.

So what's for dinner?


OldeAnniePrimitives said...

Hope all works out well for your mom! Can't wait to see your GW goodies! ~~Annie

At Home With Amy said...

I'll be praying for your mom Brenda. Been there and done that myself with my own mother. You get some rest and catch up on what you need to do.