Saturday, April 25, 2009

She says she's better.....

but I kind of have to disagree. But it's really hard to argue with your mother!! I still don't think her cough is right. She says she is going home Sunday! She probably would have went home this afternoon when the doctor came in and asked her if she wanted to go home, I spoke up and said that she was not ready. I know her, she will go home and start cleaning or doing whatever and won't rest at all. So I'm hoping I will be there tomorrow when the doctor comes back in.

Once again, thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!!


dee begg said...


You "can" argue with your mother! So do it! Tell her she's not ready to go home...or better yet, you're not ready for her to go home! Get some rest so your fresh tomorrow, then tackle the problem head on. I'm there with you in spirit!


MommaB said...

That sounds like a mm...they tend to be stubborn like that.hope she continues to improve and is back to her old self...sounds like your mom is a fighter!!!!

MommaB said...

I love your lantern on etsy...that is so pretty..

Apple Tree Cottage said...

Sometimes the roles change don't they. It's hard to be "the one in charge" but urge her to get healthy and strong. Hang in there my friend!
